Homeland Security: A Complete Guide 3E

Homeland Security: A Complete Guide 3E
Homeland Security
Political Science
McGraw Hill Professional
Mark Sauter, James Carafano


Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The definitive guide to the homeland security enterprise―updated with critical changes in missions, tactics, and strategies International terrorists and rogue nations continue to threaten U.S. citizens, while domestic extremist groups seek to attack the American way of life and hackers take advantage of the Internet to inflict new types of havoc at work and home. Meanwhile, today’s human-made and natural disasters can impact communities on the scale of weapons of mass destruction. Given the range and intensity of today’s threats, we’re all on the front lines of national security. The most detailed and comprehensive work of its kind, Homeland Security: A Complete Guide provides insights to keep yourself, your family, your business, and your community safe from terrorism and disaster. Written by two global experts on domestic security, this new edition brings you up to date on the latest threats to U.S. security and the most effective methods for eliminating or mitigating them. Homeland Security: A Complete Guide, Third Edition has been expanded and revised to include: NEW insights on cyber security, Electro-Magnetic Pulse, and other emerging threatsNEW techniques and controversies, such metadata collection, surveillance by US intelligence agencies, drones, interrogation, and countering violent extremist programsNEW information about homegrown terrorism and radicalization NEW content about ISIS and foreign fightersNEW information about controversial domestic extremist groups like AntiFa, BLM, and the AltRight This edition retains the critical information that has made it the go-to guide for leaders and concerned citizens alike—from the history of American homeland defense from the nation’s earliest days to the events of 9/11, from and the birth of the Department of Homeland Security to the emergence of today’s vast homeland security enterprise. With the important updates in this edition, you will be even better prepared for terrorism and disasters.

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