Students learn best when they are connecting with the language as used in real-world settings, with each other as a community and with authentic culture. En avant! sparks the curiosity that builds these connections as students advance toward communicative and cultural competence in the introductory classroom. The En avant! program is built around the following distinctive principles: * A focused approach with systematic review and recycling* Active learning* Integration of culture Now in its third edition, En avant! includes many targeted changes prompted by reviewer feedback to more readily engage students with the grammatical and cultural content while making that content even more user-friendly and logical. In our revision process, we placed the biggest emphasis on creating and integrating new features, based on the ACTFL World Readiness Standards, in order to better engage and inspire a new, digitally minded generation of French learners.
Your students are changing.
Grammar topics that were deemed of secondary importance by our many reviewers are presented in the Par la suite section at the end of the book to allow maximum flexibility for those instructors who wish to extend their coverage of the ...
This text addresses the broad range of music in the United States from early periods to today, presenting this rich tapestry of sound in its historical and cultural context. Its...
Grammar topics that were deemed of secondary importance by our many reviewers are presented in the Par la suite section at the end of the book to allow maximum flexibility for those instructors who wish to extend their coverage of the ...
The #1 text in the market—now in an Essentials Edition.
INDEX OF NAMES Hertzberg, Hendrik, 284 Hesse, Eva, 284–85 Higgins, Dick, 63, 153,216, 285-87, 305, 470, ... Richard, 334–35 Kern, W. Bliem, 69, 335-36,608 Kerouac, Jack, 336,495 Kharms, Daniil, 337, 449 Khlebnikov, Velimir 4, 172, 219, ...
Vis-a-vis: Beginning French
A more global, flexible way to teach art history
Originally inspired by the the song "Yellow Submarine" from the Beatles' Revolver Album, the film Yellow Submarine was hailed as a visionary masterpiece. This amazing picture book of that film will beguile adults and children alike.
A sports journalist, sent to a Midlands town on a weekly assignment, finds himself confronted by ghosts from the past when he disembarks at the railway station. Memories of one...