Retailing has become a high-tech, global industry. "Retailing Management "covers the latest developments in information technology for retailers. It also covers current trends and practices in international retailing.
Retailing Management by Levy and Weitz is the best-selling textbook in the retailing market. Retailing is a high tech, global, growth industry that provides challenging and rewarding career opportunities...
1 RETAIL MANAGEMENT Introduction Effective retail store management depends on satisfied , motivated , and loyal employees who will be productive , maintain assigned work schedules , and develop tenure with the firm .
... Steven , 572 Rich's , 488 , 525 Rieser , F. P. , 656 Robinson , Dwight E. , 300 Robinson , O.P. , 510 Rogers , C. R. , 684 Romans , D. B. , 146 Rosenberg , Larry J. , 493 , 685 Rosenbloom , M. A. , 474 Rothman , Marian , 655 Rouse ...
Retail Management
Malls , supermarkets , shopping outlets have mushroomed , calling for the practical application of modern management techniques to run them effectively and efficiently . This calls for retail managers to be expert at designing ...
A Navigational Guide to Consistently Effective Retail Management. staggering. Indeed, the sales per square foot in these malls are consistently among the highest in the country. It's also one of my favorite places to visit, ...
This text is the only retail management educational product in the market that offers a premium digital content companion—McGraw-Hill Connect—to provide best-in-class training.
This book is devoted to the dynamic development of retailing.
First Steps in RETAIL MANAGEMENT second edition First Steps in Retail Management Second Edition continues to provide an invaluable introduction to retail management concepts . It builds on the basic themes examined in First Steps in a ...