Students preparing to succeed in today's workplace require solid training in communication skills and principles, as well as experience applying them in realistic professional contexts. In Business and Professional Communication, Kory Floyd and Peter Cardon incorporate substantial business-world experience throughout the text's principles, examples and activities. They ensure that the theories, concepts, and skills most relevant to the communication discipline are fully represented. The result is a program that helps students understand and apply communication skills in both their personal and professional lives. The 'People First' feature presents students with realistic scenarios that are sensitive, discomforting, or tricky to manage. It then teaches students how to navigate those situations effectively. This gives students concrete skills for preserving relationships with others as they encounter these difficult conversations. Unique to the market, this text includes a dedicated chapter focused on perspective-taking: covering the processes of person-perception; common perceptual errors; the self-serving bias and the fundamental attribution error; the self-concept; and the processes of image management. This equips students to understand and pay attention to the perspectives of others. Business and Professional Communication also includes a dedicated chapter focused on career communication, encouraging students to engage in networking and to consider the priorities and points of view of others as they seek employment and begin to interact professionally.
With an emphasis on building skills for business writing and professional presentations, this text empowers you to successfully handle important work-related activities, including job interviewing, working in team, strategically utilizing ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Featuring coverage of the most up-to-date skill set available, the book considers the rapid changes in professional communication due to the global economy, advances in information technology, and an increasingly diverse workforce.
The authors present the fundamentals of business communication in every stage of professional life: writing résumés, preparing for interviews, securing a job, communicating with colleagues and supervisors, working on a team, and advancing ...
... C. B., Tesluk, P. E. & McPherson, S.O. (2002). Five challenges to virtual team success: Lessons from Sabre, Inc. Academy of Management Executives, 16(3), 67–79. O'Sullivan, J. & Mills, C. (2009). e Maori cultural institution of hui: ...
The interactive, multimedia nature of this text emphasizes traditional and contemporary topics germane to business and professional contexts.
Business and Professional Communication in the Information Age
This text's comprehensive topic coverage provides clear guidance for all communication practices in businesses and organizations.
This book introduces the knowledge and skills as well as agile activities that help students communicate on projects within local and global communities.
Centered on the notion that business communication can influence the interpretation of issues and events, the Sixth Edition provides students with practical tips, contemporary applications, and a survey of the relevant contexts for business ...