Developing Skills for the Classroom and Beyond:Fundamentals of Cost Accounting lets the student see the development of cost accounting tools and techniques as a natural response to decision making. By learning this intuition, students will have an easier time understanding new developments that arise during their careers. Procedural Approach: The material in the text is presented from the perspective of both the preparer of information as well as those who will use the information. This allows both accounting majors and those students planning other careers to appreciate the issues involved in preparing and using such information. Updated Discussions: The sixth edition has been updated to include new discussion on the links between activity-based cost management and lean manufacturing and lean accounting, as well as new discussion on strategy and performance.
Fundamentals of Cost Accounting
The authors have kept the text concise by focusing on the key concepts students need to master.
Fundamentals is short (approximately 700 pages) making it easy to cover in one semester. The authors have kept the text concise by focusing on the key concepts students need to master.
Cost Accounting 101 find out how cost accounting relates to other areas of accounting, which types of costs are most important, and step-by-step explanations on cost-volume-profit and activity-based costing Plan for it take a stroll through ...
Fundamentals of Cost and Management Accounting
"Fundamentals of Financial Accounting responds by using carefully chosen focus companies that students recognize and engage with in their everyday lives.
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Financial Accounting Fundamentals