PART ONE: AIS and the Business -- Ch. 1 Accounting Information Systems and Firm Value -- Ch. 2 Accountants as Business Analysts -- Ch. 3 Data Modeling -- Ch. 4 Relational Databases and Enterprise Systems -- PART TWO: Business Processes -- Ch. 5 Sales and Collections Business Process -- Ch. 6 Purchases and Payments Business Process -- Ch. 7 Conversion Business Process -- Ch. 8 Integrated Project -- Ch. 9 Reporting Processes and eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) -- PART THREE: Data Analytics and Emerging Technologies in AIS -- Ch. 10 Data Analytics in Accounting: Concepts and the AMPS Model -- Ch. 11 Data Analytics in Accounting: Tools and Practice -- Ch. 12 Emerging Technologies: Blockchain and AI Automation -- PART FOUR: Managing and Evaluating AIS -- Ch. 13 Accounting Information Systems and Internal Controls -- Ch. 14 Information Security and Computer Fraud -- Ch. 15 Monitoring and Auditing AIS -- PART FIVE: Optional AIS Topics -- Ch. 16 The Balanced Scorecard, Business Model Canvas, and Business Value of Information Technology -- Ch. 17 Evaluating AIS Investments -- Ch. 18 Systems Development and Project Management for AIS.
The text focuses on business processes and accounting and IT controls, and includes discussion of relevant aspects of ethics and corporate governance.
This book considers these risks.
Accounting Information Systems, 1st Edition by Arline Savage, Danielle Brannock, and Alicja Foksinska presents a modern, professional perspective that develops the necessary skills students need to be the accountants of the future.
This new book focuses on the technology that is utilized by accountants and is written in a style that makes these technical concepts easy to understand.
Miller International Corp. is in the process of purchasing a new accounting software system. Miller is in a very specialized industry, with an international market. The company manufactures specialized parts to sell to companies in ...
CHAPTER 1 / Accounting Information Systems and the Accountant 9 the creation software that was used to prepare the ... Case-in-Point 1.6 Survey data from more than 100 hospital CFOs suggests five major themes regarding the evolution of ...
Also new to this edition are chapters on such cutting-edge topics as the Resources, Events, and Agents (REA) approach, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and Electronic Commerce systems.
Using a conversational writing style appealing to students, this book presents AIS as an art as much as a science. AIS is presented as a set of fundamental ideas and concepts that can be applied in various organizational contexts.
Providing a straightforward, concise text on the essentials of accounting information systems, this student textbook emphasizes the role of the accountant as user, evaluator, and designer of accounting information systems....
Unlike other texts that provide a broad survey of AIS related topics, this text concentrates on developing practical, real-world business analysis skills.