"Computers are widely used in all sectors of our society, performing a variety of functions with the application software running on them. As a result, the market for software engineers is booming. The March 2006 issue of Money magazine ranked software engineer as number 1 of the 50 best jobs in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2010-2020 projections, the total number of jobs in application development software engineer and systems analyst positions is expected to increase from 520,800 to 664,500 (27.6%) and from 544,400 to 664,800 (22.10%), respectively. To be able to perform the work required of an application development software engineer or systems analyst, an education in software engineering is highly desired. However, according to the data released by BLS ("Earned Awards and Degrees, by Field of Study, 2005-2006"), only 160 bachelor and 600 master's degrees in software engineering, and 10,289 bachelor and 4,512 master's degrees in computer science were awarded in 2006. Thus, there is a significant gap between the demand and supply, especially for graduates with a software engineering degree"--
Instructor's Manual and Transparency Masters to Accompany Introduction to Computer Programming Using Turbo Pascal
本书是作者Peter J. Jones近十年Ruby开发经验的结晶.他利用48个Ruby实战案例, 揭示了Ruby鲜有人知的特点, 难点和习惯用法.每种实践案例都包含了具体的, 实用的, 组织清晰的指导方针, ...
本书介绍了使用UML进行软件建模的基础知识以及Rational Rose工具的使用方法,内容包括:软件工程与UML概述、Rational ...
Rosenthal , R. , & Jacobson , L. ( 1968 ) . Pygmalion in the classroom : Teacher expectation and pupil's intellectual development . ... Schacter , S. ( 1959 ) . The psychology of affiliation . Stanford , CA : Stanford University Press .
Inside CORBA: Distributed Object Standards and Applications
The software industry will leave behind any developer who does not have object-oriented development skills, and this book helps the developer to quickly get up to speed with objects.
Readers will also become more efficient and better thinkers in terms of object-oriented development. This revised edition focuses on interoperability across various technologies, primarily using XML as the communication mechanism.
The Object-oriented Thought Process