"What do you want out of life? If you are like most Americans, you would probably include happiness in your answer. But where can you find happiness? We wrote this text because we believe your personal happiness is crucially tied up with the quality of your intimate relationships. The text not only will provide you with a basic understanding of marriage and family life but also will show you how you can apply the knowledge you gain to enrich your life. In other words, this is not only a text; it's a practical guide as well. It is conceptual and theoretical social science, but it is also applied social science. The former comes from the wealth of information and the empirical work of the hundreds of researchers we discuss. The latter is found in the "Principles for Enhancing Intimacy" sections presented in each chapter as well as in the "Personal," Comparison," and "What Do You Think?" inserts. Hopefully, by the time you complete this book, you will have a thorough understanding of marriage and family life today and an understanding of the steps you can take to enhance the quality of your own intimate relationships. We have updated this edition throughout with the latest available information. First, we have incorporated the latest available research-more than 200 new references from the professional literature. Second, we have utilized the most recent government data. The new references and government data, in addition to updating our knowledge about intimate relationships, provide increasingly more information on racial and ethnic differences in those relationships. This information, integrated throughout the chapters as appropriate, shows how Americans of various racial and ethnic backgrounds have similar as well as dissimilar experiences in their family relationships. In addition to updating every chapter's research base and statistical data, we have made a number of other enhancements to the text's coverage"--
Sociology : Understanding a diverse society . Belmont , CA : Wadsworth . Anderson , M. , & Collins , P. H. ( 1995 ) . Race , class and gender : An anthology . Belmont , CA : Wadsworth . Annie E. Casey Foundation ...
Bread and Milk and Music
Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation Andreas J. Köstenberger, David W. Jones ... Although Walter Barnett was not the first to offer this interpretation, he has been arguably the most influential proponent of this view.
Recently widowed and emotionally wounded, Madlen Cramer returns to Rampage, Iowa, with her two children for the summer and renews her ties to a childhood friend, a handsome drifter who harbors an incredible menace.
Journal of Marriage and the families . Human Nature , 1 , 211-232 . Family , 59 , 309-323 . Ehrenreich , B. , & English , D. ( 1989 ) . For her Duncan , G. J. , Brooks - Gunn , J. , & Klebanov , own good : 150 years of ...
Provides a compendium of knowledge about marriage, family and human relations.
Personal reassessment often results in a revision of goals and values which in turn influence outlook and behavior ( Brim , 1976 ; Gordon , Galtz , and Scott , 1976 ; Hess and Markson , 1980 ; Levinson , Darrow , Klein , Levinson and ...
Castle on the Hill
"En el fin del mundo, sobre la roca más alta de una isla diminuta, se alza un faro. Se construyó para que durara siempre. Ilumina el mar con su luz y guía a los barcos en la travesía." -- from backcover.