On Becoming a Vibrationist

David Resnick


The following paper describes the process by which the author, David Resnick, became a "Vibrationist." A Vibrationist is one who "plays" or manipulates multiple types of vibrations at once, be they vibro-tactile, musical, or biofield energies, toward the altering of another person's vibratory state. The paper discusses several projects produced while pursuing a Master of Science degree in the Arts Computation Engineering (ACE) graduate program at the University of California, Irvine that culminated in "Pulse." Pulse is a fully functioning system that allowed the author to act as a Vibrationist while beginning to systematically develop a new practice he's terming "Vibrationism." The paper also discusses the various influences from diverse fields including, art, science, health and healing, spirituality, and philosophy that informed and influenced project development. A key goal was to bring participants in the project into a "flow-state" and to facilitate an experience of "subtle energies." Details of the research, fabrication, programming, and artistic development of Pulse are also described.

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