In an increasingly global and interconnected world, it has become important to provide community college students with a global education. Community colleges have been active in internationalizing their curricula and in providing students experiences with other cultures. While community colleges are an American invention, several other countries have taken note of the significant effect that community colleges in the U.S. have had on both individual opportunity and economic development. Many have developed or are developing institutions based upon the American model. The ASHE Reader on Community Colleges is a significant resource for those who study American higher education, especially community colleges, but it is also a wonderful text for educators and leaders of higher education institutions. The articles and research reports provide an important picture of the development of community colleges, the missions that guide them, the challenges they face, the students they serve, and the faculty and leaders who serve them. As the articles point out, not everyone agrees about the issues and how they should be addressed. All of us in higher education are still learning, and the Reader is an important resource for us as we continue to study and learn how to be more effective.
ASHE Reader on College Students
ASHE Reader on Academic Programs in Colleges and Universities
Addresses the urgent need for new strategies and better ways to serve community colleges' present and future students at a time of rapid diversification, including such groups as the undocumented, international students, older adult ...
Prepares teachers for their varied roles in education reform. Aim is to help readers develop and improve curriculum development skills and use these skills to implement education reform practices. Also...
ASHE Reader on Faculty and Faculty Issues in Colleges and Universities
Champaign, IL: Office of Community College Research and Leadership, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. ... In B. Townsend & D. Bragg (Eds.), ASHE reader on community colleges (pp. xix–xxviii). Boston: Pearson.
Public community colleges in the United States enroll approximately 6 million students, about 45 percent of all undergraduates. These students are taught by nearly four hundred thousand full- and part-time...
Community Colleges
Globalization and Higher Education Reform Rosalind Latiner Raby, Edward J. Valeau. Birdthistle, N. (2006a). ... Transfer Track Versus Workforce Development: Implications for Policy Change in Florida Community Colleges.
Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education