Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators, Seventh Edition provides professional administrators and nursing students with a comprehensive overview of management concepts and theories. This text provides a foundation for nurse managers and executives as well as nursing students with a focus on management and administration. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.
Clinical delegation skills : A handbook for professional practice ( 3rd ed . ) . Sudbury , MA : Jones and Bartlett Publishers . Institute of Medicine . ( 2003 ) . Health professions education : A bridge to quality .
What is driving the growing demand for consulting in hospital staffing, scheduling, and productivity? Nursing Economics, 31(5), ... Lang, T.A., Hodge, M., Olson, V., Romano, P. S., & Kravitz, R. L. (2004). Nurse–patient ratios: A ...
Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators
This book was directed at the nurse-manager rather than the student.
This comprehensive text provides management concepts and theories, giving professional administrators and students theoretical and practical knowledge.
Scope and Standards for Nurse Administrators
Porter and Teisberg170 argue that mistargeted competition in health care has impeded the satisfactory performance of the U.S. health care system. They suggest that our health care system has based competition on the following: □ The ...
Now in its Fifth Edition, this foremost leadership and management text incorporates application with theory and emphasizes critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. More than 225 case studies and...
This book provides case study analyses of actual management dilemmas and how they were resolved.