From clean drinking water, to seat belts, to immunizations, the impact of public health on every individual is undeniable. For undergraduates, an understanding of the foundations of public health is an essential step toward becoming an educated citizen. Public Health 101 provides a big-picture, population perspective on the determinants of health and disease and the tools available to protect and promote health. It examines the full range of options for intervention including use of the healthcare system, the public health system, and society-wide systems such as laws and taxation.
From clean drinking water, to seat belts, to immunizations, the impact of public health on every individual is undeniable. For undergraduates, an understanding of the foundations of public health is...
The use of social marketing in public health has required modifications and enhancements that have been described using four more “Ps”: publics, partnerships, policies, and purse strings. “Publics” refers to the need to reach not only a ...
Offering the latest data on the burden of disease, the book presents unique content on key topics that are often insufficiently covered in introductory materials, such as immunization and adolescent health.
A full package of instructor resources is available online at http: // * To learn more about the AAC&U initiative, The Educated Citizen and Public Health, or to download the curriculum guide, log ...
Whether you're a student who wants to launch a career or a professional looking to change careers, this guide offers an easy introduction to the field.
The second edition updates and expands upon the standard methodology for condcuting prevention effectiveness analyses.
A 7th case study Pandemic 2030: Lessons from COVID-19 will soon be released and added to the digital versions of this text in early January for Spring 2022 classes.
Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.
This edition offers a significant amount of new and updated information, while maintaining the clarity, simplicity, and ease of use that has made this text so popular.
Additional coverage includes: · Updated guidance for new tools in field investigations, including the latest technologies for data collection and incorporating data from geographic information systems (GIS) · Tips for investigations in ...