Today, being a health consumer encompasses more than being knowledgeable about traditional medicine and health practice but also includes the necessity to be well informed about the expading field of complementary and alternative medicine. Consumer Health and Integrative Medicine: Holistic View of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practices, Second Edition was written to expand upon the many alternative modalities that many other consumer health texts overlook. It includes chapters on the major alternative medicine systems and healing modalities, including Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, naturopathy, homeopathic medicine, chiropractic medicine, massage, reflexology, and herbals or botanicals. The authors mission is to increase reader's knowledge base, not make up their mind, as we all make better choices related to our own personal health care practices when we are informed consumers.
By reading this text, students will become astute at distinguishing among those traditional and CAM health practices that are helpful, those that have been scientifically tested, and those that may offer no benefit.
The Best Alternative Medicine is the only book available today that both evaluates the major areas of alternative medicine and addresses how they can be used to treat specific conditions.
Through use of this approach, the text is accessible not only to law students but to graduate students in public health and other professionals who seek to learn more about this burgeoning field.
Thinking Outside the Pill Box contains an explanation of how our medical system came to be so defective and ineffectual, a thorough look at the important factors influencing human health, and an in-depth discussion of many common underlying ...
Diagnosed with scoliosis at the age of 16, Mary Walker Morton began a search that resulted, after seven years of inquiry into alternative forms of treatment, in a cure for...
This unique collection synthesizes insights and evidence from innovators in consumer informatics and highlights the technical, behavioral, social, and policy issues driving digital health today and in the foreseeable future.
—Bruce J. Colbert I dedicate this book to my family, as well as to my former teachers, students, and friends, from whom I have learned much. —JeffAnkney To my wife Theresa, for her 32 years of love and support; my children, Kim, Chris, ...
Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States identifies an urgent need for health systems research that focuses on identifying the elements of these models, the outcomes of care delivered in these models, and whether these ...
This book explores the challenging issues associated with complementary and alternative medicine in the context of the social, political and cultural influences that shape people's health.
Genomics and proteomics are bringing personalized risk assessment, prevention, and treatment options within reach; health information technology is expediting the collection and analysis of large amounts of data that can lead to improved ...