Now in its ninth edition, Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being provides a comprehensive approach to stress management honoring the integration, balance, and harmony of mind, body, spirit, and emotions. The holistic approach taken by internationally acclaimed lecturer and author Brian Luke Seaward gently guides the reader to greater levels of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being by emphasizing the importance of mind-body-spirit unity. Referred to as the "authority on stress management" by students and professionals, this book gives students the tools needed to identify and manage stress while teaching them how to strive for health and balance. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.
So what can you do to address it? The HBR Guide to Managing Stress at Work will help you find a sustainable solution. It will help you reach the goal of getting on an even keel—and staying there.
This book will help readers to better understand what happens when we experience stress and what triggers these feelings. It will also introduce techniques which will help readers to manage the challenges of university life.
Stress Management
The excellent guide, The Smart & Easy Guide To Reducing & Managing Stress: The Ultimate Worry, Anxiety And Stress Management Techniques And Treatments To Take You From Coping To Living, provides real world, easy-to-follow advice on how to ...
This book is for anyone and everyone who wants to chill the heck out and feel a little—or a lot—better. Watch out health and wellness goals—we’re coming at you with some game changers!
Levinson , H. ( 1956 ) Employee counselling in industry : observations on three programs , Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic , 20 : 76–84 . Levinson , H. ( 1961 ) Industrial mental health : progress and prospects , Menninger Quarterly ...
Not only will this text alert EMS professionals To The stressors in their lives, but it will teach them to identify problem situations and effectively resolve issues, leading to a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle.
Covering a wide range of topics such as sleep, physical movement, nutrition, happiness, gratitude, and mindfulness, this book offers music educators the tools to thrive in a work environment that can often lead to stress and burnout.
Gives a comprehensive description of the human stress response and provides readers with psychological and physical strategies necessary to keep stress from undermining their health, their joy and the happiness of those around them.
In this book, we will discuss in short why workplace stress affects you the way it does, the repercussions of leading a stressful life, and the various ways to combat it successfully.