"This text will be targeted to both active health educators, as well as students and instructors in health education teacher preparation programs. Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are roughly 118,500 health educators in the United States, with a 16% increase in jobs projected through 2026. This includes health educators working with audiences outside of K-12, which is the segment of the health education community we are targeting with this publication. On the academic side, the number of health education majors and minors can be difficult to pinpoint, as these are sometimes nested within public health programs. Within these programs, there are unlikely to be courses focused exclusively on SEL, but this would be an appropriate fit for courses focused on the health education curriculum, instruction, and assessment"--
Throughout iPALS, these lesson components are incorporated into the daily schedule through (a) morning activities and framing ... positive culture and addresses conflict with the goal group restitution. of activity, academic enrichment, ...
This book has been replaced by Social and Emotional Learning in the Classroom, Second Edition, ISBN 978-1-4625-4401-1.
In those days, I attended my first professional development (PD) seminar: The Poised and Polished Professional. At the time, I did not know everyone needed continuous development even after obtaining degrees. I thought I was working on ...
With a focus on overcoming challenging situations and helping students who face adverse childhood experiences, this book provides a sound overview of many issues teams may encounter, from behavior issues to poverty and trauma, and guides ...
This worksheet provides practice writing an age-appropriate prompt, asking clarifying questions, selecting formative assessments to For additional skill practice for the classroom, assign Worksheet 7.7, Classroom Skills Practice PreK–2 ...
The burgeoning multidisciplinary field of social and emotional learning (SEL) now has a comprehensive and definitive handbook covering all aspects of research, practice, and policy.
Promoting Mental, Emotional and Social Health: A Whole School Approach provides a clear and practical overview of ways in which mainstream schools can promote the health of all those who work and learn in them.
When teachers prepare students to work through the disagreements that naturally occur in team situations, cooperative learning promotes sharing of ideas and resources, creativity, and a sense of shared purpose (Johnson and Johnson 1994) ...
Yet, to achieve these broad goals, questions persist as to which life skills are important, who needs to learn them, how they can be taught, and how they are best measured. This book addresses these questions.
This reader explores the nature of interactions between children and their teachers in the classroom. It emphasises the importance of such relationships for children's learning and for educational practice.