Written with undergraduate students in mind, this concise eBook combines the scope and context of public health while also addressing key management topics, processes, and emerging issues. Organized in four parts, the text covers: 1) Public Health Organizations; 2) Public Health Management Fundamentals; 3) Public Health Management Functions; and 4) Current and Emerging Issues in Public Health Management. Each of these contain key chapters that address foundations, practical applications, and new directions in the respective domains. The goal is to enhance the student's knowledge, skills and abilities in ways that help them become more effective in their careers in public health. This text has been written specifically for undergraduate public health, community health, and health professions courses, but will also be useful for beginning managers and supervisors working in public health. .
This book covers the full spectrum of essential competencies required to manage public health organizations, from communication and cultural proficieny to leadership, relationship building, ethics, and program planning.
Social marketing for public health: Global trends and success stories. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Fortenberry, J. L. 2009. Health care marketing: Tools and techniques, 3rd ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.
The starfish model is an example of a completely decentralized organization where no specific person is in charge. Rather, all the participants share in the leadership of the organization. Offices may exist in different places, ...
Leadership Research Findings, Practice, and Skills (FifthEdition). New York:Houghton Mifflin. Emanuel, E.J. (2008). Healthcare, Guaranteed: A Simple, Secure Solution for America. Philadelphia: Perseus Books. The EndocrineSociety.
The book aims to orient clinicians (including physicians and nurses) and other healthcare professionals on the essentials of business management and to familiarize them with management terms and jargon.
This book: Defines and describes the public health system Provides concepts and tools for measuring health in populations Characterizes the relationship of the public health system with medical care and other elements of the overall health ...
As one of the foundational texts in the Essential Public Health series, Essentials of Public Health, Fourth Edition -- formerly authored by Turnock -- is an excellent introduction to the field of public health, covering public health ...
Introductory Public Health
The book presupposes no previous exposure to the concepts, yet provides enough depth for students who may have advanced knowledge.