Larson IS student success. INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA: ALGEBRA WITHIN REACH owes its success to the hallmark features for which the Larson team is known: learning by example, a straightforward and accessible writing style, emphasis on visualization through the use of graphs to reinforce algebraic and numeric solutions and to interpret data, and comprehensive exercise sets. These pedagogical features are carefully coordinated to ensure that students are better able to make connections between mathematical concepts and understand the content. With a bright, appealing design, the new Sixth Edition builds on the Larson tradition of guided learning by incorporating a comprehensive range of student success materials to help develop students' proficiency and conceptual understanding of algebra. The text also continues coverage and integration of geometry in examples and exercises. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Intermediate Algebra 2e
When asked to describe his philosophy and approach, Alan Tussy responded: "In writing INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, our goal was to develop a 'new generation' mathematics textbook targeted for today's algebra student.
Intermediate Algebra provides precollege algebra students with the essentials for understanding what algebra is, how it works, and why it so useful.
The blue numbers are powers of 2 ; ( 24 ) 2 = 224 , which is a power of 2 and a blue number . c . The orange numbers are cubes ; ( x3 ) 2 = x3.2 = x2.3 = ( x2 ) 3 , which is a third power of x- and an orange number . d .
Tough Test Questions?
One of a series of developmental maths textbooks, this volume focuses on intermediate algebra.
Introduction to Algebra
This book provides a comprehensive coverage of intermediate algebra to help students prepare for precalculus as well as other advanced math.
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Intermediate Algebra: Structure and Use