Master concepts related to the taxation of business entities and gain an understanding of today's ever-changing tax legislation with SOUTH-WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2014: TAXATION OF BUSINESS ENTITIES, 17E. Renowned for its understandable and time-tested presentation, this leading book remains the most effective solution for helping you thoroughly grasp taxation concepts and applications ? now with even more coverage of tax planning. This 2014 edition reflects the very latest tax legislation. Continuous online updates become available as soon as relevant tax law changes take effect to ensure you remain ahead with today's most current coverage. New and proven learning features, such as additional "Big Picture" examples, memorable tax scenarios and "What If?" case variations, clarify concepts while offering numerous opportunities to sharpen the critical-thinking, writing skills, and online research skills important for success. Each new book includes H&R Block At Home tax preparation software. Depend on SOUTH-WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2014: TAXATION OF BUSINESS ENTITIES to offer the complete, accessible tax coverage you need for immediate and long-term success.
Renowned for its accessible, time-tested presentation, this book remains the most effective solution for helping readers thoroughly understand individual taxation.
This book reflects the latest tax legislation for individual taxpayers at the time of publication, while continuous online updates keep your course current with additional tax law changes as they take effect.
South-Western Federal Taxation 2014: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates & Trusts
Comprehensive printed practice sets are the ideal practice to complete near the end of the course. You can use tax preparation software, such as H&R Block at Home®, to complete the tax forms.
South-western Federal Taxation 2014: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts
Renowned for its understandable, time-tested presentation, this book remains the most effective solution for helping students thoroughly grasp information critical to the tax preparer, such as C corporations, flow-through entities, taxes on ...
The 2011 edition has been fully updated to include the latest tax legislation for individual taxpayers. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
South-Western Federal Taxation, Individual Income Taxes 2015
South-western Federal Taxation: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates & Trusts
This streamlined single-volume reference book offers the perfect alternative to cumbersome, expensive, multi-volume sets of Code and Regulations.