BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA: CONNECTING CONCEPTS THROUGH APPLICATIONS, shows students how to apply traditional mathematical skills in real-world contexts. The emphasis on skill building and applications engages students as they master algebraic concepts, problem solving, and communication skills. Students develop sound mathematical skills by learning how to solve problems generated from realistic applications, instead of learning techniques without conceptual understanding. Authors Mark Clark and Cynthia Anfinson have developed several key ideas to make concepts real and vivid for students. First, the authors place an emphasis on developing strong algebra skills that support the applications, enhancing student comprehension and developing their problem solving abilities. Second, applications are integrated throughout, drawing on realistic and numerically appropriate data to show students how to apply math and to understand why they need to know it. These applications require students to think critically and develop the skills needed to explain and think about the meaning of their answers. Third, important concepts are developed as students progress through the course and overlapping elementary and intermediate content in kept to a minimum. Chapter 8 sets the stage for the intermediate material where students explore the eyeball best-fit approach to modeling and understand the importance of graphs and graphing including graphing by hand. Fourth, Mark and Cynthia's approach prepares students for a range of courses including college algebra and statistics. In short, BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA: CONNECTING CONCEPTS THROUGH APPLICATIONS develops strong mathematical skills using an engaging, application-driven and problem solving-focused approach to algebra. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
In this way, the book perfectly complements any learning platform, whether traditional lecture or distance-learning; its instruction is so reflective of what comes from lecture, that students will feel as comfortable outside of class as ...
The MyMathLab Edition of your textbook is designed for review, reference, and study and does not contain any exercise sets. Exercise sets can be found in the ebook inside your MML course.
This classroom tested practice was integrated into the texts so that both instructors and students could benefit. Messersmith accomplishes this by including arithmetic examples for most sections before the use of algebraic examples.
Normal 0 false false false Elayn Martin-Gay's developmental math textbooks and video resources are motivated by her firm belief that every student can succeed.
Intermediate Algebra: Graphing and Charles CC Trig Pkg
The Rockswold/Krieger algebra series fosters conceptual understanding by using relevant applications and visualization to show students why math matters.
Miller/O'Neill's Beginning and Intermediate Algebra is an insightful textbook written by instructors who have first-hand experience with students of developmental mathematics.
P.O.W.E.R. learning: Prepare, Organize, Work, Evaluate, and Rethink.
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra: An Integrated Approach
"This is a developmental math book for Beginning Algebra and Intermediate Algebra students"--