INTRODUCTION TO MARINE BIOLOGY sparks curiosity about the marine world and provides an understanding of the process of science. Taking an ecological approach and intended for non-science majors, the text provides succinct coverage of the content while the photos and art clearly illustrate key concepts. Studying is made easy with phonetic pronunciations, a running glossary of key terms, end-of-chapter questions, and suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter. The open look and feel of INTRODUCTION TO MARINE BIOLOGY and the enhanced art program convey the beauty and awe of life in the ocean. Twenty spectacular photos open the chapters, piquing the motivation and attention of students, and over 60 photos and pieces of art are new or redesigned. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly.
This new book overcomes that imbalance, bringing these disparate marine science text formats closer together, giving them more equal weight, and introducing more effectively the physical sciences by showing students with everyday examples ...
Introduction to Marine Biology
- Complete content review and answer key that links every chapter in the student book with its corresponding lab - Tips on preparing and setting up each of the labs - A list of aquariums, marine-science centers, web sites, and other helpful ...
Fish oils as alternative to river dolphin, Platanista gangetica (Lebeck) oil for fishing catfish Clupisoma garua in the River Ganges, India. Journal ofthe Bombay Natural History Society 93: 86–88. Liu, R.,Wang, D.,Yang ...
Examples are drawn from all over the world. In this edition, the scientific content of the text has been fully revised and updated.
This book is the fourth companion volume to 'An Introduction To Using GIS In Marine Biology'.
The new edition of An Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life is designed to reach your introductory students with effective and interesting learning tools.
This book represents the first attempt to document how genomic technologies are revolutionising these diverse domains of marine biology.
The book describes how biological model components can be integrated into three dimensional circulation models and how such models can be used for 'numerical experiments'.