The Eighth Edition of Zumdahl and DeCoste's best-selling INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY: A FOUNDATION combines enhanced problem-solving structure with substantial pedagogy to enable students to become strong independent problem solvers in the introductory course and beyond. Capturing student interest through early coverage of chemical reactions, accessible explanations and visualizations, and an emphasis on everyday applications, the authors explain chemical concepts by starting with the basics, using symbols or diagrams, and conclude by encouraging students to test their own understanding of the solution. This systematic approach has already helped hundreds of thousands of students master chemical concepts and develop problem-solving skills. The book is known for its focus on conceptual learning and for the way it motivates students by connecting chemical principles to real-life experiences in chapter-opening discussions and "Chemistry in Focus" boxes.
"This book is for you, and every text feature is meant to help you learn and succeed in your chemistry course.
Introductory Chemistry creates light bulb moments for students and provides unrivaled support for instructors!
Introductory Chemistry
This edition features the exact same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.
This Study Guide was written specifically to assist students using the 6th Edition of Introductory Chemistry.
Introductory Chemistry
Succeed in your course with INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY: A FOUNDATION! This best-selling text combines enhanced problem-solving structure with substantial pedagogy to help you become a successful problem solver.
Experiments in Introductory Chemistry
Introductory Chemistry
Study Guide for Introductory Chemistry