EN CONTACTO: GRAMÁTICA EN ACCIÓN Enhanced Ninth Edition is designed to put intermediate Spanish students in touch with contemporary Hispanic culture through its language and literature. The program stresses communication and, when used with the LECTURAS INTERMEDIAS volume, emphasizes the acquisition of reading skills and text comprehension. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
En Contacto, Enhanced Student Text: Gramatica en Acci¢n, Loose-Leaf Version
Step-by-step, Blaine Ray shows you how to tell a story with physical actions.Next, your students tell the story to each other in their own words using the target language.
... who has argued that students today are so bombarded with information and technology that they are unable to sustain concentration, incapable of quiet reflection. Similarly, Spandel (2005), in her book The 9 Rights of Every Writer: A ...
Electronic Democratic Governance: Problems, Challenges, and Best Practices. Journal of Information Technology Impact, 5(2), 73–80. Caldow, J. (2004). E-democracy: Putting Down Global Roots. Institute for Electronic Government. IBM.
Active Learning Clear and supportive instructional materials should be provided in small units, requiring active interactions and engagement (Gantt, 2007). In particular, students who expect to receive information delivered by experts ...
This text requires no prior programming experience and only a modest amount of high school algebra.
Provides clear directions for beginner to advanced projects by grade level in math, science, language arts, and social studies, plus a CD-ROM with templates and sample finished projects.
Recently, Schmidt (2014) attempted to integrate these two perspectives and suggested an integrative theory linking both interests and cognitive ability to the acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and aptitudes needed to perform well at ...
The SAM audio CD's provide listening input for the out-of-class activities, to be used with the EN CONTACTO student activities manual.
Australian universities and their engagement with the graduate attributes agenda Australia initiated the idea of matching knowledge and skills produced in universities and those required by employers during the mid-1990s.