A contemporary thematic reader, JOINING A COMMUNITY OF READERS offers a holistic approach to developing reading skills and building schema. It maintains a constant focus on key skills while providing ample practice with shorter and longer readings. The real-life context for skill instruction engages students as they are able to stay with a single theme throughout each instructive unit. The authors' PRO reading strategy (Prepare to Read, Read Actively and Reflect, and Organize to Learn) places an emphasis on pre-reading, active reading, and post-reading activities throughout the text and gets students applying the skills in the context of the reading process. Significant attention is given to vocabulary skills and finding the main idea and support. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Joining a Community of Readers: A Thematic Approach to Reading
Joining a Community of Readers
Joining a Community of Readers, Loose-Leaf Version
Guthrie, J.T., Wigfield, A., Humenick, N. M.,Perencevich, K. C., Taboada,A. andBarbosa, P. (2006)Influences of stimulating tasks on reading motivation and comprehension. Journal of Educational Research,99(4), 232–245. Hall, C.
Alexander Joining A Community of Readers + Eduspace
Here's the newest twist on the familiar tale of There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly.There was a cold lady who swallowed some snow.I don't know why she swallowed some snow.Perhaps you know.This time, the old lady is swallowing ...
Now compiled as an anthology named Moms Don’t Have Time To, these beautiful, original essays by dozens of bestselling and acclaimed authors speak to the ever-increasing demands on our time, especially during the quarantine, in a unique, ...
Alexander Joining A Community of Readers Fourth Edition Plus Flemmingwords Count
Alexander Joining A Community of Readers Fourth Edition Plus Flemminghmco Guide to Reading Textbooks Second Edition
Joining Community Readers