As the leading choice in college accounting, Heintz and Parry's College Accounting, 21E, combines a proven, step-by-step approach and excellent examples with a tightly integrated online homework tool that makes accounting understandable to every student, regardless of your accounting background or business experience. The Heintz and Parry program, well-known for its clarity, accuracy, and technology, focuses on the practical skills you need to transition from the classroom to the workplace. With even more practice opportunities and independent study resources than ever before, the 21E delivers the tools you need to succeed. This edition introduces accounting concepts using a proven step-by-step approach and inviting narrative style that focuses on the practical skills you'll need as you transition to tomorrow's workplace. The book begins with a basic foundation and simple service company examples before advancing to accounting within the more challenging merchandising and manufacturing environments. Engaging examples and functional learning features within the book's comprehensive approach reinforce the relevance of the skills you're learning and provide a clear, accurate presentation that's understandable even if you have no previous accounting experience or business background. Self-study aids and numerous practice opportunities allow you to check your understanding as you progress. To maximize your study time and help you efficiently completely your homework, CengageNOW provides interactive support, enhanced feedback, and a personalized learning path that assists you in the areas most challenging to you individually. Achieve your best in the classroom today and plan for success within the workplace tomorrow with the skills found in Heintz and Parry's COLLEGE ACCOUNTING, 21E. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Known for clarity and supporting technology, this edition focuses on skills you can transfer from the classroom to workplace.
With an emphasis on the careful development of topics, this text provides basic bookkeeping and accounting skills students can take into the job market.
College Accounting: Chapters 1-15, 3rd Printing
20 Reinstated the account of Neal Dammond, which had been written off on May 5, and received $2,360 cash in full settlement. 20-2 May 11 Reinstated the account of Maxine Mouse, which had been written off in the previous year, ...
College Accounting
College Accounting
College Accounting: Chapters 1-15
College Accounting, Chapters 1-15 + Study Guide, Chapters 1-15 + Access Card
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9780538745215 .
Written by the text authors to ensure accuracy and consistent quality, this resource provides chapter outlines linked to learning objectives and a set "C" of assignments that include review questions, exercises, and problems to enhance your ...