CULTURE AND VALUES: A SURVEY OF THE HUMANITIES takes you on a fascinating tour of some of the world's most significant examples of art, music, philosophy, and literature, from the beginnings of civilization to today. New features in this edition are designed to make it easy for you to understand the influence of historical events and values on the works produced by each culture--guided discussions of all of the readings, chapter previews, timelines, Compare and Contrast sections, Big Picture reviews at the end of each chapter, expanded coverage of Asia and Africa, and high-quality images with clear captions. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
New features in this edition are designed to make it easy for you to understand the influence of historical events and values on the works produced by each culture--guided discussions of all of the readings, chapter previews, timelines, ...
Following is the final stanza of Adonais, a lament for John Keats. Shelley learned in April of 1821 that Keats had died, and he published Adonais that July. The poem also alludes to Shelley's concerns about the possibility of his own ...
Culture Values
CULTURE AND VALUES: A SURVEY OF THE WESTERN HUMANITIES takes you on a fascinating tour of some of the world's most significant examples of art, music, philosophy, and literature, from...
CULTURE AND VALUES: A SURVEY OF THE HUMANITIES, NINTH EDITION, takes you on a tour of some of the world's most interesting and significant examples of art, music, philosophy, and literature, from the beginnings of civilization to today.
This text specific audio CD contains music discussed in the text. It can be purchased separately or bundled with the text.
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides gives all of the outlines, highlights, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanies: 9780872893795.
This bundle contains the loose-leaf versions of Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Volume I and Volume II, and access to MindTap Arts & Humanities for 2 terms (12 months) via printed access card.
This volume emphasizes the economic aspects of art and culture, a relatively new field that poses inherent problems for economics, with its quantitative concepts and tools.
A unique feature of this book is that while it is an edited book and many experts have written the different chapters, unlike other edited books, it is a fully integrated, seamless, and cohesive book covering the many aspects of the theory ...