This market-leading, practical text explores all aspects of human resource management, focusing on today's most critical HR issues and current practices. The book's engaging writing style and strong visual design use more than 500 memorable examples from actual organizations to illustrate key points and connect concepts to current HR practice. Fresh examples spotlight the latest developments and critical trends, while hands-on applications focus on practical tips and suggestions for success. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This revised edition is a comprehensive, authoritative set of essays. It is more detailed and analytical than the mainstream treatments of HRM.
This new and thoroughly revised edition of the best sellingPersonnel Management text by Stephen Bach provides anauthoritative analysis of the latest developments in the field forstudents and professionals. new chapters reflect the ...
Managing Human Resources Through Strategic Partnerships, 8e allows students to capture the excitement of this dynamic field in an interactive and tightly integrated text. Managing human resources effectively requires mutual...
The completely revised and updated new edition of Planning & Managing Human Resources will help you successfully implement the steps of strategic planning for human resources.
Managing Human Resource And Industrial Relations
Thus, these changing scenarios emphasize the need of a broad-based research in the field of human resource management also reflecting in management education. This book is an attempt in that direction.
Wayne Cascio's Managing Human Resources, 7/e, is perfect for the general management student whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people. It explicitly links the relationship between productivity, quality...
More specifically, this book contains over 30 different situations that illustrate both classic and contemporary human resources problems.
This book updates and replaces the earlier book Managing Human Resources in New Zealand 2e by Macky and Johnson. New chapters have been added (Ch 3, 4, 10, 12, 2, 8) and other chapters extensively updated and restructured.
This book helps readers feel comfortable identifying and dealing with the opportunities and challenges facing human resource management, enabling managers to view the issues and challenges from the viewpoints of...