The brief paperback format makes this book more approachable, and the well-respected author team incorporates several pedagogical elements to promote students' success.
Revised edition of the authors' American corrections in brief, 2014.
Schroeder, Donald, and Frank Lombardo. Barron's Police Officer Exam, 9th ed. New York: Barron's Educational Services, 2013. Schroeder, Donald, and Frank Lombardo. Barron's Correction Officer Exam, 4th ed. New York: Barron's Educational ...
As cited in Selwyn Raab , “ U.S. Study Finds Recidivism Rate of Convicts Lower than Expected , " New York Times , 7 November 1976 , p . 61 . 27. Howard R. Sacks and Charles H. Logan , “ Does Parole Make a ( Lasting ) Difference ?
By demonstrating that correctional systems balance public safety with providing treatment and supervision to offenders, American Corrections: Theory, Research, Policy and Practice tells the story of corrections within a coherent, ...
New to the Second Edition: A new chapter titled “Volunteering and Internship” (Chapter 9) guides you through the important process of early involvement in the field to create a more enticing resume.
Ibid . , p . 14 . 9 . President's Commission : Corrections p . 179 . 10. Ibid . 11. Ibid . 12. Daniel Glaser ... Ibid . , p . 373 . 25. See for example Lamar T. Empey and Steven G. Lubeck , The Silverlake Experiment ( Chicago , Illinois ...
This new text provides students with an overview of corrections that is both practitioner-driven and grounded in modern research.
Turnstile Justice: Issues in American Corrections offers a unique, pragmatic approach to the "sociology of corrections". Drawing on the expertise of leading scholars and practitioners in the field of corrections...
Introduction to American Corrections