Milady Standard Natural Hair Care and Braiding is designed to be the training resource of choice for individuals committed to nurturing textured hair and providing excellent natural hair care services. This book introduces the technical and creative aspects of braiding, styling, and grooming hair that is naturally curly, kinky, or multi-textured. Also included, are 17 procedures with step-by-step photos and detailed instructions in techniques for styling and grooming natural hair and natural hair additions. This is a “must have” for those who are serious about developing a wide range of services and building a broad, diverse client base--crucial elements for success in the flourishing hair care industry. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Milady Standard Natural Hair Care and Braiding
Provides a history of Black hairstyles, and discusses sanitation and preventing bacterial infections in the hair salon, different types of scalp diseases and disorders, and braiding and sculpting techniques
Provides a history of Black hairstyles, and discusses sanitation and preventing bacterial infections in the hair salon, different types of scalp diseases and disorders, and braiding and sculpting techniques.
Now, Diane Da Costa, celebrity stylist and master designer of natural hair, unravels the tresses of textured hair, providing readers with information on the proper care of natural hair as well as a step-by-step guide on achieving various ...
Technically oriented and detailed throughout, this book was written with the serious hair care consumer in mind. Hair science, research and testimony combine in this carefully written text designed to examine black hair on a deeper level.
You will become as personally involved in your clients' lives as their physicians or dentists are, and with study and practice, you can be as much in demand as a well-regarded medical provider. - Preface.
Looks at hair styles best suited for very curly or African hair, giving tips on hair coloring, chemical treatments, sculpting techniques, and treatments for hair loss prevention.
We are very excited and proud to announce the latest edition of Milady Standard Cosmetology, the most commonly used resource in cosmetology education.
The Student Workbook contains detailed interactive exercises such as fill-in-the-blank and matching designed to reinforce learning and increase student comprehension.
A humorous but informative chronicle of black hair in America looks back at the styles, myths, and grooming techniques adopted by African Americans throughout their history. Reprint.