The War of the Mind: Understanding Inflation and Alienation

The War of the Mind: Understanding Inflation and Alienation
Lulu Press, Inc
David Sinclair


Christians say that Jesus Christ had two natures – divine and human. What would that be like? According to Carl Jung, we are all Jesus Christ. Our human part is our ego, the center of our consciousness, while our divine part is our Self, the unconscious center of our entire psyche. With Jesus Christ, both natures – divine and human – were conscious in one person. According to Jung, the problem for humans is that our divine nature is unconscious and our conscious human nature is, for the most part, completely unable to communicate with our inner God. If it could, we would all be Jesus. Instead, the human mind is at war with itself. The part that is truly connected to reality is our unconscious Self, the God inside us. The part that is prone to making up reality – the part that lives in a fantasy world of its own devising – is our conscious human part. For Jung, the ego (consciousness) has to undergo a process called individuation to make proper contact with the Self (the divine unconscious) and thus reach the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Dreams are where our inner God attempts to speak to us, but people are hopeless at interpreting their dreams. The more successful you become at individuation, the better sense you can make of your all-important dreams. If the conscious ego and unconscious Self have a poor relationship, disaster usually follows. Two of the biggest dangers are “inflation” and “alienation”. These are currently happening on an epidemic scale and infecting the whole world with madness. The Mind War can end only if the two natures of Jesus – human and God – can at last learn to be on the same page, and understand each other’s role. Come inside and find out what has to be done.

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