For courses in Sales and Personal Selling. Extensive, real-world applications, carefully integrated with current personal selling concepts. Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value helps students understand the value of developing their personal selling skills by exposing them to a careful integration of personal selling academic theory and real-world applications. And with the largest number of learn by doing materials available in any personal selling text, Manning/Ahearne/Reece offers instructors a variety of teaching tools to strengthen the learning process. As the developed nations of the world transition from a production focus to a sales-and-service focus, this cutting-edge new edition prepares students to succeed as members of a new generation of businesspeople.
Helps students understand the value of developing personal selling skills by exposing them to a personal selling academic theory, role play scenarios, and real-world applications and ethical dilemmas--Publisher.
As the developed nations of the world transition from a production focus to a sales-and-service focus, this edition prepares students to succeed as members of a new generation of businesspeople.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Whether you are an established sales professional with a long track record of achievement or a newcomer yet to make that first sale, you will learn why hundreds of thousands of salespeople use this book as a resource for new techniques and ...
The authors have updated this text with new research and new interactive tools to engage students and reinforce learning with doing.
Drawing on her years of selling experience, as well as the stories of other successful sellers, she offers four SNAP Rules: -Keep it Simple: When you make things easy and clear for your customers, they'll change from the status quo.
If the process of buying and selling makes the world go round, then why does it have such a lousy reputation? Customers are wary of those who come selling, and...
Stressing consultative selling relationships with customers through attention to customer needs and custom-fitted solutions, this work develops relationship, product, customer and presentation selling strategies needed in the 1990s.
This edition stresses the need for sales professionals to cope with new forces shaping the world of sales and marketing, and emphasizes the strategies for long-term success.
Selling in the Real World contains the same well-thought-out, complete, and effective sales program that has been well received and strongly recommended by the participants who attend Larry Sternlieb Seminars. if you only buy one book this ...