Classic, yet contemporary. Theoretical, yet applied. McClave & Sincich's Statistics: A First Course in Statistics gives you the best of both worlds. This text offers a trusted, comprehensive introduction to statistics that emphasizes inference and integrates real data throughout. The authors stress the development of statistical thinking, the assessment of credibility, and value of the inferences made from data. The Eleventh Edition infuses a new focus on ethics, which is critically important when working with statistical data. Chapter Summaries have a new, study-oriented design, helping students stay focused when preparing for exams. Data, exercises, technology support, and Statistics in Action cases are updated throughout the book.
Instructor's Manual and Test Bank with Solutions for Statistics: Concepts and Controversies, Sixth Edition
You will be able to interpret Pearson's and Spearman's correlation coefficients , determine which of these two coefficients is appropriate in specific circumstances , and perform tests of significance for these two correlation ...
MyStatLab for this edition takes advantage of data analytics to add additional exercises to high usage chapters.
All resources, including the Student Activity Workbook and Author in the Classroom videos were created by Mike for his classroom and are available for use in yours to help students succeed and stay engaged--Provided by publisher.
This book follows the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE), as recommended by the American Statistical Association, and emphasizes statistical literacy, use of real data and technology, conceptual ...
Instructor's Solutions Manual [for] Statistics: Informed Decisions Using Data [by] Michael Sullivan III
Fully worked solutions to odd-numbered exercises
This book helps students become statistically literate by encouraging them to ask and answer interesting statistical questions.
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.
Karl Pearson Karl Pearson , known as one of the fathers of modern statistics , was born on March 27 , 1857 , in London , the second son of prominent attorney William Pearson and his wife , Fanny Smith . Karl was tutored at home until ...