University Physics with Modern Physics, Technology Update, Thirteenth Edition continues to set the benchmark for clarity and rigor combined with effective teaching and research-based innovation. The Thirteenth Edition Technology Update contains QR codes throughout the textbook, enabling students to use their smartphone or tablet to instantly watch interactive videos about relevant demonstrations or problem-solving strategies. University Physics is known for its uniquely broad, deep, and thoughtful set of worked examples–key tools for developing both physical understanding and problem-solving skills. The Thirteenth Edition revises all the Examples and Problem-solving Strategies to be more concise and direct while maintaining the Twelfth Edition's consistent, structured approach and strong focus on modeling as well as math. To help students tackle challenging as well as routine problems, the Thirteenth Edition adds Bridging Problems to each chapter, which pose a difficult, multiconcept problem and provide a skeleton solution guide in the form of questions and hints. The text's rich problem sets—developed and refined over six decades—are upgraded to include larger numbers of problems that are biomedically oriented or require calculus. The problem-set revision is driven by detailed student-performance data gathered nationally through MasteringPhysics®, making it possible to fine-tune the reliability, effectiveness, and difficulty of individual problems. Complementing the clear and accessible text, the figures use a simple graphic style that focuses on the physics. They also incorporate explanatory annotations—a technique demonstrated to enhance learning. This package consists of: Univeristy Physics with Modern Physics Technology Update, Volume 2 (Chapters 21-27), Thirteenth Edition
This book is the product of more than half a century of leadership and innovation in physics education.
The text's rich problem sets-developed and refined over six decades-are upgraded to include larger numbers of problems that are biomedically oriented or require calculus.
University Physics With Modern Physics, 12/E
This book reviews the advances and challenges of structure-based drug design in the preclinical drug discovery process, addressing various diseases, including malaria, tuberculosis and cancer.
For more than five decades, Sears and Zemansky's College Physics has provided the most reliable foundation of physics education for students around the world. The Ninth Edition continues that tradition...
Forfatterens mål med denne bog er: 1) Analyse af de gældende teorier for international politik og hvad der heri er lagt størst vægt på. 2) Konstruktion af en teori for...
The text's rich problem sets-developed and refined over six decades-are upgraded to include larger numbers of problems that are biomedically oriented or require calculus.
Although photovoltaics are regarded by many as the most likely candidate for long term sustainable energy production, their implementation has been restricted by the high costs involved.
This handbook celebrates the abundantly productive interaction of neuropsychology and medicine. This interaction can be found in both clinical settings and research l- oratories, often between research teams and clinical practitioners.
The book features original papers by active researchers presented at the International Conference on Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks.