For undergraduate courses in Human Relations, Applied Psychology, Human Relations in the Workplace, Career Development; also appropriate for a course in Interpersonal Skills Training. Accomplished author and national speaker, Andrew J. DuBrin brings his expertise of Human Relations and Business Psychology to this exciting eleventh edition. Focusing on today's work environment, the book takes a two-pronged approach that improves interpersonal skills by first presenting basic concepts and then by featuring a heavy component of skill development and self-assessment. This edition features a new chapter on interpersonal skills for the digital world and fresh cases, exercises and skill builders that prepare students for today's business environment.
Accomplished author and national speaker, Andrew J. DuBrin brings his expertise of Human Relations and Business Psychology to this edition.
All materials have been thoroughly updated in this edition including more than 800 new references.
Developed with input from industry leaders, 'Professionalism' extends beyond a typical resume/job search text to seamlessly emphasise the relationship between resume development, job search skills, and human relations.
Dr. Quible's signature easy-to-read style coupled with pedagogical aids throughout systematically explores the full range of office management topics-office environment, employees, systems, and functions.
Utilizing a management approach that is organized around the processes and procedures necessary for implementing effective human resources administration, the ninth edition of this well-known text covers the eight essential dimensions of ...
Today the workplace demands interpersonal and communication skills. This book can assist its readers in all walks of life and can help them live positively in a world of diversity.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Celebrated for...
This edition features more on communication, references Microsoft Office 2007, and expands the office simulation to include both functional and cumulative exercises.
This book describes industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology programs in action, showing how they are developed and implemented in a variety of organizational settings, using workers who differ by gender, age, culture, ethnicity, and ...
TECHNOLOGY OFFERING: MyStudentSuccessLab is available with this book upon request. It is an online solution designed to help students ‘Start strong, Finish stronger’ by building skills for ongoing personal and professional development.