For accounting students enrolled in a governmental and nonprofit accounting course. This is a comprehensive textbook that is written through the eyes of the learner to prepare them for professional government and not-for-profit accounting practice and the CPA exam. *
Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting, Revised Sixth Edition provides a better balance between theory and practice than other texts, with the most up-to-date coverage.
For accounting students enrolled in a governmental and nonprofit accounting course. This is a comprehensive textbook that is written through the eyes of the learner to prepare them for professional...
This book provides a thorough basis for understanding the entire governmental accounting and reporting framework for all funds and account groups.
Accounting and financial reporting for government and Not-for-Profit Entities.
Accounting and financial reporting for government and Not-for-Profit Entities.
The purpose of Research in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting is to stimulate and report high-quality research on a wide range of governmental and nonprofit accounting issues.
Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting: A Book of Readings
Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting: Theory and Practice
Featuring updated accounting for GASB Statement No. 84, and fiduciary activities, this work reviews underlying concepts and shows how they are applied through real-life examples of CAFR, financial statements and updates of recent GASB ...
Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Organizations