For all introductory, clinical, and preventive courses in dental hygiene and dental assisting that cover preventive dental modalities and concepts. Organized for consistency, coherence, and readability, this fully updated text covers all areas of prevention in dental care. It first describes dental diseases and conditions, helping students clearly understand the processes that can be prevented through the use of preventive modalities or ideas. Next, it presents detailed strategies to prevent these diseases and conditions. Throughout, specific target populations are defined and described based upon scientifically valid preventive strategies aimed at their needs. This edition improves student understanding with more photos, illustrations, diagrams, and tables; highlights fun facts about the topic; adds a new chapter on the important influence culture plays in preventive dental care; and is supported by many new web-based review questions and case studies for each chapter.
This revised edition of a popular book reflects an increasing emphasis on nutrition, school dental health and health promotion. This book focuses on the clinical application of primary preventive dentistry...
This book discusses new developments and innovations in preventive dentistry, from primary "real" prevention to secondary prevention by inactivating initial lesions, and on to tertiary prevention to avoid subsequent progression and ...
Writing: There is a potential opening for more writers in the dental field. As research is completed, someone needs to write up the results so that they are coherent and relatable. Compared to nursing, very few books and magazines are ...
Milgrom, P., Fiset,L., Melnik, L.,& Weinstein, ... Life'sJourneys According to Mister Rogers. NewYork City: Hyperion Books. ... Safran, D.G., Taira, D. A., Rogers, W.H., Kosinski,M.,Ware, J. E.,& Tarlov,A. R. ...
All these features make the book quite comprehensive in scope and contemporary in approach. This book provides a comprehensive yet simple presentation of Preventive and Community Dentistry.
A Textbook of Preventive Dentistry
Prevention of Oral Diseases
In: Edge, SB, Byrd, DR, Compton, CC, et al., Eds.: AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, ed. 7. Springer, New York, 2010, pp 41–56. of patients who will survive 5 years after the initial di- agnosis. On average, for all stages and locations of ...
On December 6, 2018, in Washington, DC, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine held a workshop titled Integrating Oral and General Health Through Health Literacy Practices.
Illustrated in color throughout, the book covers the specialties of restorative dentistry - operative dentistry, endodontics, periodontics and prosthetic dentistry - in a single volume.