For one-term freshman/sophomore-level courses in Human Relations, Interpersonal Relations, or Relationships. This text helps students learn to take responsibility for themselves, make wiser choices, improve their relationships, appreciate all kinds of diversity, and live happier, fulfilling, and productive lives. In writing Person to Person 5.e, Sharon Hanna, Doug Radtke, and Rose Suggett sought to delve into a skill too often glossed over or taken for granted in all our lives: building positive relationships is not an accident; each one requires understanding and effort. Because the self is the foundation of all relationships, one of the goals of this text is self-discovery and self-satisfaction, with an emphasis on heightened self-esteem, and the ability to make wise choices regarding emotional and physical health. Because through interpersonal communication human beings interact and relate to one another, it is essential to learn how to communicate in a positive way; the overriding goal of the second section of this text. Learning about oneself and developing effective communication skills will help build positive relationships.The last section of this book teaches about various interactions and all kinds of relationships. Career, love, couple relationships, marriage, and family are given special emphasis. Today the workplace demands interpersonal and communication skills. This book can assist its readers in all walks of life and can help them live positively in a world of diversity.
Today the workplace demands interpersonal and communication skills. This book can assist its readers in all walks of life and can help them live positively in a world of diversity.
Through their own research, clinical work, and experiences as teachers, Stephen Kosslyn and Robin Rosenberg have found that exploring psychology from multiple perspectives further enhances learning.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Celebrated for...
Bob Blitzer has inspired thousands of students with his engaging approach to mathematics, making this beloved series the #1 in the market.
The text puts theories into socio-historical context to illustrate how and why certain theories evolved, why they were popular at particular points in time, and how they are still active and influential today.
This book continues to balance its coverage of fundamentals with current research.
For courses in Mathematics for Business and Mathematical Methods in Business. This classic text continues to provide a mathematical foundation for students in business, economics, and the life and social sciences.
This edition contains revised and updated data tables, where applicable.
Pearson New International Edition CourseSmart eTextbook Duane Schultz, Sydney Ellen Schultz. Hogan, J., 100 Hogan, R., 100, 104, 157 Holland, K., 284 Hollenback, J., 104, 230 Hollingworth, H. L., 68 Holman, D., 279 Holmes, S., ...
This successful text puts “personality” back into the personality course, integrating the classic insights of the personality theorists with modern research in a manner that will fascinate and encourage deeper thought.