In this classic introduction to educational and psychological measurement, Thorndike and Thorndike-Christ provide all of the pertinent information future professionals need to know in order to develop the skills to use test information wisely. Incorporating standard measurement concepts as they apply to both educational and psychological assessments, the new eighth edition continues to provide a technically rigorous treatment of the core issues in measurement in an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand presentation. In preparing students to become independent users of test information, it describes problems in measurement, explains how these problems are approached and solved, surveys a broad range of sources, and provides guidance in how to find, evaluate, and use information about specific tests. The new eighth edition of Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education includes increased coverage of No Child Left Behind, extended coverage of the role of ethics in tests, and a new chapter on advanced topics in testing. Part Two of the book has been reorganized to clarify concepts and the book as a whole has been streamlined and updated to include the most current research and testing information. Intended for use in undergraduate or graduate level introductory courses in psychological and educational measurement, Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education focuses on basic issues in measurement provides a general overview that is not overly specialized.
Quoting Ernest Boyer , the president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching , he writes that ... Carol Maytag Christine Eight - year - old Molly could barely contain her excitement as she shared with her former ...
This report shares U.S. principals' and teachers' concerns about implementation of state assessment tests aligned to the new standards, drawing on new survey tools for understanding educators' perspectives: RAND's American Teacher Panel ...
Our detailed explanations of answers help you identify your strengths and weaknesses while building your skills. This book is a must for anyone seeking certification as a teacher in Florida!
This highly respected text offers the most comprehensive discussion of traditional and alternative assessments of any classroom assessment text-explaining, giving examples, discussing pros and cons, and showing how to construct virtually ...
Frank Baum (B) Labor day (B) L. frank Baum (C) Labor Day (C) L. Frank baum (D) labor Day (D) L. Frank Baum 2 ... Rose Miller (G) Baltimore, maryland (G) Mrs. Rose miller (H) baltimore, maryland (J) baltimore, Maryland (H) mrs. rose ...
Presented in a format appropriate for use by individuals or collaborative learning teams, the book teaches two central concepts: how to create accurate classroom assessments of all types and how to integrate assessment with instruction day ...
Student-involved Assessment for Learning
This is the leading text for assessment courses that focus on showing prospective teachers how to develop assessments that accurately reflect student achievement And how to use those assessments to benefit - not merely grade - student ...
Administrative Scoring Manual