Designed to focus on central concerns in teaching social studies in a standards-based environment, this brief text enables teachers to successfully implement a social studies curriculum with concepts, strategies, and values relevant to elementary and middle grades. The ninth edition clearly presents, in a friendly tone, the essential content and methods for successful social studies teaching in today's diverse K-8 classrooms.
The information in this text is presented in an easy to understand manner that allows students to see the importance of properly conducted research.
Basics of Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approacheswill show you how to look at the world from a new perspective, to question, and to understand the importance of social research today.
Basics of Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Mark the number on the sampling frame that corresponds to the chosen random number to indicate that the case is in the ... ( 1 ) Yes ( 8 ) Yes ( 2 ) Abrams , J. ( M ) Adams , H. ( F ) Yes Anderson , H. ( M ) Arminond , L. ( M ) Boorstein ...
This is a fully-integrated package that lets students experience the challenge and excitement of doing real social research.
A concise introduction to the fundamental concepts of social scientific thinking, this text - a favourite with students for over 25 years - makes scientific thinking, research methods and statistics accessible to undergraduates at a common ...
社会科学研究: 从思维开始 : 原书第11版
Unsur-unsur Pemikiran Ilmiah Dalam Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
"This book leads students to learn about the process of conducting statistical investigations from data collection, to exploring data, to statistical inference, to drawing appropriate conclusions.