For introductory courses in communication sciences and disorders A clear, comprehensive introduction to communication sciences and disorders, with an evidence-based, lifespan perspective. This text provides a thorough introduction to communication sciences and disorders designed for undergraduate-level students. The new Fifth Edition continues the evidence-based, lifespan perspective. It reviews and explains the most recent research evidence pertaining to the assessment and treatment of communication disorders from birth through the end of life in a clear, comprehensible fashion. Each chapter is concise, yet provides comprehensive information appropriate for an introductory-level text. Students gain a basic foundation in the areas of anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms, and an overview of the various disorders that affect voice, fluency, articulation, language, cognition, swallowing, and hearing, along with detailed descriptions of the varying etiologies that cause these impairments. The authors describe specific evaluation procedures and tools for each disorder, and discuss efficacious management approaches and techniques for both child and adult populations. Case studies, evidence-based practice summary boxes, video examples, and technical and photographic illustrations are featured in each chapter as a means to maximize the student’s learning experience. In addition, Check Your Understanding and thought questions are also provided in each chapter to ensure student comprehension of information. The new Fifth Edition is also updated to align with ASHA’s new 2014 standards pertaining to voice and resonance disorders.
This text provides a thorough introduction to communication sciences and disorders designed for undergraduate-level students. The new Fifth Edition continues the evidence-based, lifespan perspective.
New and updated samples have been added throughout the text. NEW: Video- and audio-based application exercises engage students and help them apply newly learned information.
This is a must-have resource for supervisors, students, and new clinicians. Clinical Observation: A Guide for Students in Speech, Language, and Hearing reviews the principles of good practice covering ASHA’s Big Nine areas of competency.
The guide will help users in any organization, with any budget, to make the science of their communications as sound as the science that they are communicating.
Peña and BaRBaRa l. daviS LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To understand what a language disorder is. 2. To differentiate between language problems in the areas of language form, content, and use. 3. To become familiar with different service ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. An introduction...
The rooting reflex involves orienting toward the direction of tactile stimulation to the cheek. ... and physiology of an infant and that of an adult. a. larynx is elevated in infant b. tongue fills greater ProPortion of oral cavity 11.
For college students in courses with the same topic in communication disorders, psychology, and education. A best-selling, comprehensive, easy-to-understand introduction to language development. This best-selling introduction to language development text...
Language Development From Theory to Practice provides a survey of key topics in language development, including research methods, theoretical perspectives, and major language milestones from birth to adolescence and beyond,...
The book begins with fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology such as embryology and development of speech and hearing mechanisms. The second section details nervous system functions including central and peripheral motor control.