Forty studies that helped shape the field of Psychology Roger Hock’s Forty Studies provides a glimpse of the science of psychology, unraveling the complexities of human nature. Hock summarizes some of the most influential studies in psychological history studies, and guides the reader through a thoughtful interpretation of the results and why the study is considered so important. This book provides a more in-depth look and analyses that cannot be found by reading a textbook or research alone. Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers will: Gain background knowledge of the complexities in the psychology field. Learn about detailed studies in an easy, understandable manner. Understand scientific research, through closer examination of major topics.
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Forty Studies that Changed Psychology: Explorations Into the History of Psychological Research
This unique book closes the gap between psychology textbooks and the research that made them possible by offering a first hand glimpse into 40 of the most famous studies in...
Forty Studies That Changed Psychology
This unique book closes the gap between psychology books and the research that made them possible. Its journey through the “headline history” of psychology presents 40 of the most famous...
Research and Applications John W. Berry, Ype H. Poortinga, Seger M. Breugelmans, Athanasios Chasiotis, David L. Sam ... A. D., 431 Stein, J. M., 431 Steinberg, L, 67, 68, 69, 264 Steinberg, S., 415 Stellmacher, J., 347 Stenson, B., 408, ...
As we saw in Chapter 2, Galton's disciple Karl Pearson had analyzed the anthropometric data and found no correlations with other indicators of intelligence. Galton had mainly gathered physiological data such as visual and auditory ...
Through ten examples of ingenious experiments by some of psychology's most innovative thinkers, Lauren Slater traces the evolution of the century's most pressing concerns—free will, authoritarianism, conformity, and morality.
Psychology and Forty Studies That Changed Psychology Package
The information you need to make informed decisions about whether to pursue psychology as a major and career is found in this handbook--as are useful tips that will help you succeed in your psychology course.