Selling and Sales Management

Selling and Sales Management
Selling and Sales Management
Sales management
David Jobber, Geoffrey Lancaster


Over the past quarter of a century, Selling and Sales Management has proved itself to be the definitive text in this exciting and fast-paced subject area. This new edition comes fully updated with new case studies, using working businesses to connect sales theory to the practical implications of selling in a modern environment. It also contains the results from cutting-edge research that differentiates it from most of its competitors. The book continues to place emphasis on global aspects of selling and sales management. Topics covered include technological applications of selling and sales management, ethics of selling and sales management, systems selling and a comprehensive coverage of key account management. New to this edition New case studies and practical exercises. Fully updated coverage of strategic selling and partnering. Expanded coverage of ethical issues. Enhanced discussion of the role of social media in selling. Expanded coverage of the management of sales channels. Increased number of examination questions at the end of each chapter. About the authors David Jobber is Emeritus Professor of Marketing at Bradford University and has served on the editorial boards of numerous marketing and sales management journals. He also served as Special Advisor to the Research Assessment Exercise panel that rated research output from business and management schools throughout the UK. David has also received the Academy of Marketing Life Achievement award for extraordinary and distinguished services to marketing. Geoff Lancaster is Dean of Academic Studies at the London School of Commerce and was formerly Chairman of Durham Associates Group Ltd, which he guided to obtaining the Queen's Award for Exporting. He was formerly Senior Examiner to the Chartered Institute of Marketing and Chief Examiner to the Institute of Sales and Marketing Management. His Professorship is a lifetime award for research and publishing in the area marketing.

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