Intellectual Property offers unrivalled coverage of all major intellectual property rights and is designed to equip you with a strong understanding of the wealth of domestic, European and international laws at play in this area. This tenth edition has been substantially updated and streamlined to ensure the book best fits the contemporary intellectual property syllabus. Key updates to the new edition include: · Significant restructuring to reduce the length of each chapter without compromising on coverage of each topic. · A revised chapter structure which maps closely to the structure of a typical intellectual property module. · Discussion on the creation of a European patent with unitary effect and a Unified Patents Court. · Coverage of the new codifying trade mark regulation and the trade mark directive requiring implementation in 2019. · An outline of the Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Act 2017. · Consideration of the potential wide-ranging effects of Brexit in relation to intellectual property rights and protections.
Presents fundamentals of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and other less-know forms of IP, such as registered design and mask works Covers important concepts such as IP strategy, protection, audits, valuation, management, and ...
This book takes a fresh look at the most dynamic area of American law today, comprising the fields of copyright, patent, trademark, trade secrecy, publicity rights, and misappropriation.
This comprehensive guide to intellectual property will help companies, investors, and creative thinkers understand the scope and nature of IP issues, pose the right questions to their advisers and maximize the value from this crucial ...
This challenging book exposes the reader to key issues at the heart of the public debate now taking place in the field of IP. It considers IP at the macro level where it affects many issues.
This volume reviews the publicly available sources of statistical information on intellectual property rights, looking principally at patents, designs, royalties and inventions.
Intellectual property law and practice in China has changed dramatically since the first edition of this influential book published in 2005.
This volume brings together a group of contributors from varied backgrounds to tell a history of intellectual property in 50 objects.
The result of Howard Florey and PGS is a view of Article 53(a) as existing only to ensure 'that patents...not be granted for inventions which would universally be regarded as outrageous' such as a letter bomb (Howard Florey 549), ...
Intellectual Property Rights: Text and Cases