For basic trauma life support courses For more than 30 years, International Trauma Life Support has been at the forefront of trauma education at all levels of emergency care worldwide. This complete reference is filled with practical, hands-on training that guides readers through the hows and whys behind all of the skills necessary for rapid assessment, resuscitation, stabilization, and transportation of the trauma patient. Updated with the latest approaches to the care of the trauma patient, this Eighth Edition conforms to the most recent AHA/ILCOR guidelines for artificial ventilation and CPR. This new edition continues ITLS's tradition of excellence to ensure learners get the most out of the few minutes they have to save their patients' lives.
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"The ninth edition of International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers has been reorganized to reflect a more functional approach to the assessment and management of the trauma patient in the pre-hospital environment"--
Updated with new photos and the latest approaches to the care of the trauma patient, this seventh edition conforms to the most recent AHA/ILCOR guidelines for artificial ventilation and CPR.
Updated with new photos and the latest approaches to the care of the trauma patient, this seventh edition conforms to the most recent AHA/ILCOR guidelines for artificial ventilation and CPR.
This practical, hands-on training book offers Paramedics and advanced providers a complete reference covering all skills necessary for rapid assessment, resuscitation, stabilization, and transportation of the trauma patient. For more...
The 9th edition reflects the latest and most effective approaches to prehospital trauma care, including a more functional approach to assessment and management. For courses in basic and advanced trauma life support.
Updated with new photos and the latest approaches to the care of the trauma patient, this seventh edition conforms to the most recent AHA/ILCOR guidelines for artificial ventilation and CPR.
Developed by WHO and the International Committee of the Red Cross in collaboration with the International Federation for Emergency Medicine Basic Emergency Care (BEC): Approach to the acutely ill and injured is an open-access training ...
PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Military Edition consists of the PHTLS core content and features thirteen chapters written by military prehospital trauma care experts for practitioners in the military environment.
Emerg Med Clin North Am 23 : 45 , 2005 . including public health and hospital - based emergency 16. Fitzgerald M , O'Reilly G , McKenna C. Emergency Medical Assistance . Kerala State Transport Project - care . EMS development needs to ...