New problem-solving tools in this edition, including Try It First and Connect, urge students to think critically about problem-solving while learning best practices.Pearson Mastering Chemistry not included.
Note: This is the standalone book, if you want the book/access card order the ISBN below: 0321802632 / 9780321802637 General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Plus MasteringChemistry with eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: ...
Timberlake maintains the clear, friendly writing style and the real-world, health-related applications that have made this text a leader in the discipline.
Contains 25 experiments for the standard course sequence of topics.
Assuming no prior knowledge of chemistry, author Karen Timberlake engages students through her friendly presentation style and reveals connections between the structure and behaviour of matter and its role in health and the environment.
Some printings include access code card, "Mastering Chemistry."
The Seventh Edition focuses on making connections between General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry with a number of new and updated features-including all-new Mastering Reactions boxes, new and updated Chemistry in Action boxes (formerly ...
KEY MESSAGE: The Laboratory Manual for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, Third Edition, by Karen C. Timberlake contains 35 experiments related to the content of general, organic, and biological chemistry courses, as well as ...
This text is different--by design.
If your instructor has assigned Pearson eText as your main course material, search for: • 0135237327 / 9780135237328 Pearson eText General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 3/e -- Access Card OR • 0135237335 / 9780135237335 Pearson ...
However, in 1965, R. B. Woodward and R. Hoffman showed that the course of a pericyclic reaction depends on the symmetry of the molecular orbitals of the reactants, and the changes required to generate the molecular orbitals of the ...