Based on the market-leading Operations Management text, this is the ideal book for those wanting a more concise introduction to the subject, focusing on essential core topics, without compromising on the authoritative, clear and highly practical approach that has become the trademark of the authors. Revised and updated to reflect the ever-changing world of operations management, the book is rooted in real-life practice with a wealth of examples and case studies from different sectors and industries around the world.
This book discusses the main areas of operations management, such as the design of the operations system, including product, process and job design.
In a statement,Whirlpool Chairman and CEO David R. Whitwam said that shipping delays,“most of which are already behind us,are due as much ... Brennan said that he's been steering customers who don't want the long wait to other brands.
New to this Edition: - New and greatly expanded coverage of the most relevant contemporary topics in OM, including corporate social responsibility and ethics, lean manufacturing, outsourcing vs. insourcing, and zero hour contracts - Over 30 ...
Slack, N. (1991) Manufacturing Advantage: Achieving Competitive Manufacturing Operations, Mercury. • Slack, N. and Lewis, M. (2008) Operations Strategy, 2nd edn, Pearson Education Ltd. • Slack, N., Chambers, S. and Johnston, ...
An abridged version of Operations Management for more introductory courses. The book uses a life-cycle structure which takes students through the entire operations process from beginning to end
Essentials of Operations Management
Essentials of Production and Operations Management: Text and Cases
Were you looking for the book with access to MyLab Operations Management? This product is the book alone and does NOT come with access to the MyLab. Buy Operations Management,...
This is today's indispensable introduction to supply chain management for today's students and tomorrow's managers – not yesterday's!
Essentials of Operations Management