Why study Economics for Business Good economic decision making is fundamental to the success of business Economic decisions lie at the heart of business. Economics is all about the choices between alternatives and how to weigh up their costs and benefits. Studying this book will help you understand such choices and how to make them successfully when you take up a job or perhaps run your own business. Businesses need to make choices of what and how much to produce, what techniques to use, who to employ, what investment to make, where to locate, what markets to develop and how best to compet.
Issues such as Brexit, trade deals and migration crucially affect businesses. The book shows you how. You will be studying all these issues and more in this book.
The material is easily adaptable to courses of different lengths and educational objectives, including a one-semester MBA course, economics courses in an undergraduate commerce or business degree, or an executive MBA program.This second ...
All chapters rely on recent and historical examples of economic policy in action. The book is particularly suitable for use as an introduction to macroeconomics for business students.
Offering an integrative approach, this book uses references to real-world examples to demonstrate how modern economics can illuminate the problems that businesses face every day.
Economics for Business covers all the current issues facing today's business world. Up-to-date case studies cover everything from the impact of the financial crisis to the examination of specific businesses.
Instead, diagrams and graphs illustrate the causal relationships between economic factors, making this book an ideal primer for those needing the basics of economics for their business degree.
Online Course Pack: Economics for Business and Management with Onekey Blackboard Access Card
He is the main shareholder and Chief Executive of Berkshire Hathaway. Consistently rated as one of the wealthiest people in the world and sometimes called the 'Wizard of Omaha' or the 'Sage of Omaha', Buffet has pledged to give away 99 ...
First, however, we further illustrate issues around firm ownership by reflecting upon the legal status of three well-known firms: • the John Lewis Partnership • Facebook • Sunderland Football Club. Our intention here is to reflect upon ...
"The 2nd edition of Economics for Business and Management focuses on real-life business situations in both functional and strategic areas of business and management.