With a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the subject, Financial Accounting for Decision Makers focuses on the ways in which financial statements and information can be used to improve the quality of decision making. The practical emphasis throughout the book ensures the material is always relevant, whilst the authors' style of introducing topics gradually and explaining technical terminology in a clear, friendly style caters for all students, whether on specialist accounting or non-specialist business degrees.
Financial Accounting for Decision Makers
Financial & Managerial Accounting for MBAs
Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. ‘My many students and I have used this book for years now and would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a very accessible introduction to financial reporting.’ ...
Financial Accounting for Decision Makers
'Financial Accounting for Decision Makers' presents the key concepts of accounting without going into too much unnecessary technical detail. The book is aimed as 'users' of accounting information, not 'preparers' of accounts.
This text is an introductory course in management accounting for those seeking an understanding of basic principles and underlying concepts without detailed technical knowledge.
Includes references, index.
Adopting an innovative, open-learning approach to introduce the main principles of financial management in an accessible, non-technical way, this fully updated fifth edition provides a unique focus on the practical application of financial ...
Financial Accounting
The practical emphasis throughout the book ensures that the material is always relevant, whilst the accompanying MyAccountingLab provides an even greater level of support for learners and instructors.