Elliott and Quinn's Contract Law

Elliott and Quinn's Contract Law
Catherine Elliott, Frances Quinn


Elliott & Quinn's Contract Law is the number one choice if you are a law student looking for a contract law textbook which provides: *Straightforward coverage of the fundamental legal principles written by a well-known author team known for making the subject easy to understand without compromising on academic rigour. *Succinct coverage of all key cases and their principles and implications and the opportunity to practise applying these to exam style questions. *An understanding of how the law operates in the real world and an overview of future reform options to help you develop your own views on the effectiveness of the current laws. This 12th edition also includes: A new 'The Bigger Picture' feature which highlights the legal issues behind high profile news stories helping you to see the real-world application of the law. New essay and problem questions, with answer guidance also available online to support your revision. Revamped end of chapter summaries, for easy revision. Free access to a companion website with additional resources to support your study, available at www.pearsoned.co.uk/elliottquinn.

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