This book shows you how to effectively and efficiently recover your time with a roadmap to the 25-minute meeting.
This book will show you how."-Evan Williams, CEO of Medium"The world's greatest athletes got to that level by working on fundamentals, usually every day, and Meeting Mastery reminds us all of the same rules for leading our teams.
Meetings. by. Obtaining. a. Grant. Collaboration with the other librarians in your district is not a luxury·it is a necessity. One way to meet as a group during the school day without shutting down your library is to consider writing a ...
'Brand. you'. and. your. company. brand. The essential step towards total success is to realize that everyone in a company has their own identity. This coexists with, and depends on, the identity of the business for which they work.
Provides strategies for K-12 librarians for making presentations before school boards and interacting with administrators.
This book shows you how to effectively and efficiently recover your time with a roadmap to the 25-minute meeting.
An empowering guide to create positive impact at every table.
Updated for today’s readers, Dale Carnegie’s timeless bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People is a classic that has improved and transformed the professional and personal and lives of millions.
... and he was genuinely supportive of DeMille at the meeting and in other circumstances. no documented evidence exists that DeMille's foundation had any direct involvement with the Tenney committee, Senator Joseph Mccarthy, or Huac, ...
Learn how to live 'on-target' every day with confidence, vision and success. Buy this book and hit your bull's-eye!