For fans of Click and Brave, this touching coming-of-age middle grade graphic novel debut follows an autistic girl who finds friendship where she least expects it and learns to express her true self in a world where everyone defines her by ...
Now I will recommend this book to my entire management team.” —John Kispert, CEO, Spansion “Speaking Up is to presentations what the Boy Scout motto is to life: be prepared.” —Todd Lutwak, Partner, Andreessen Horowitz, and former ...
Speak Up! confronts these issues head on. In a relatable, frank tone, Speak Up! lets young girls know that what they have to say is important and that their thoughts are worth hearing.
Provides information on the concepts and theories of public speaking along with a variety of real-life examples and visual explanations.
"In her coaching and programs for women, Tara Mohr saw how women were "playing small" in their lives and careers, were frustrated by it, and wanted to "play bigger.
From award-winning author Tonya Bolden comes a biography of the first Black woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and the first Black woman to run for president with a major political party: Shirley Chisholm.
Molly Lou Melon's mother taught her to use her big voice for good--to speak up for what's right, for those who can't, and even when it's hard. So she does.
Originally published in 1982, Speak Up with Confidence is an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to write and deliver a speech that people will listen to and remember.
What happens when our children witnesses bullying, harassment, or discrimination? Or what do they do when it happens to them? In this rhyming story, children will learn what it means to speak up for themselves and for others.
"After attending a climate march, a young activist is motivated to make an effort and do her part to help the planet... by organizing volunteers to work to make green changes in their community, from cleaning a lake, to planting trees, to ...